Pipe Duct Isolation Device


Pipe Duct Isolation Device

The purpose of an isolation device is to prevent the propagation of an explosion through duct work into neighboring vessels. There are two types, active and passive. An active device is triggered by set of sensors, while the passive device uses pressure front of an explosion to close the “flap”.




Pipe Duct Isolation Device

The purpose of an isolation device is to prevent the propagation of an explosion through duct work into neighboring vessels. There are two types, active and passive. An active device is triggered by set of sensors, while the passive device uses pressure front of an explosion to close the “flap”.


Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device



Pipe Duct Isolation Device

The purpose of an isolation device is to prevent the propagation of an explosion through duct work into neighboring vessels. There are two types, active and passive. An active device is triggered by set of sensors, while the passive device uses pressure front of an explosion to close the “flap”.


Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device

Pipe Duct Isolation Device


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